New Playtest Version Coming

Greetings everyone. A few pieces of news. First, this month’s micro supplement will be delayed, if it happens at all. I’m currently working on the next playtest version, and there are a lot of big changes to make. Until the next playtest version is done, it will be my first priority.

Second, a few spots have opened up in the playtest group, and I’m looking for people to fill them. If you’re interested, please email me at Please include what experience you have with roleplaying, either through chat or a roleplaying game, and what kind of games you like playing. To keep things fair to newcomers to the blog, only new requests will be considered. If you’ve already applied to be part of the playtest, please apply again if you’re still interested.

That’s all for now. Happy hunting,




  1. // Reply

    if there any spots left would love to join

    1. // Reply

      Unfortunately the playtest is full. I’m working on a way to help people connect with play groups, but its still in development.

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