March 2017

Greetings everyone. I have some exciting news. Heart and Fur is far enough in development that it’s time to start looking for artists for the final game. So, I’m putting the call out to all of you. If you are an artist and you’re interested in joining the game’s art team, or if you know […]


The next playtests version is well on its way, and I thought I’d share a few of the changes that are coming. Skills are now paired with Assets to represent more of a character’s abilities and traits. Roll difficulties and results have been adjusted. The Transformation rules have been rewritten and simplified. The conflict system […]


Greetings everyone. A few pieces of news. First, this month’s micro supplement will be delayed, if it happens at all. I’m currently working on the next playtest version, and there are a lot of big changes to make. Until the next playtest version is done, it will be my first priority. Second, a few spots […]
