April 2019

Heartsong is Out

Finally, after much waiting, Heartsong is done and online! The game introduces an entirely new fantasy world called Lunria. It includes descriptions of five major kingdoms, one lost kingdom and several other smaller states. In addition, it contains an entirley new magic system. You can buy it here https://gum.co/lnGKh. Hope you all enjoy the new […]


Hopefully Heartsong will be out in a few days, but for now we have a new micro supplement from Zinkoner. This one takes a new spin on Lamina and covers its military, including sample missions and units to include in your games. Enjoy. Zed.


Unfortunate news. Heartsong was supposed to be out today, but the last piece of art is not finished yet. In the interest of allowing our artists to deal with their own life issues first, the release is going to be delayed until the art is done. Hopefully this should only take a few days at […]

New Game Name and Cover Reveal

It’s finally time. Our next game is ready. It’s finally time to tell you all the name. But first, lets take a look at the cover art, done by the wonderful Distel. This picture shows a wizard casting the most powerful spell in existence. What’s the spell’s name? It’s the same as the game’s name. […]
