New Content Soon

Hey all. I know things have been pretty quiet around here recently. I have been busy working on new content and some of it should be ready soon. We have a new micro supplement in the works and a supplement for Heartsong almost done. Here’s a sample of the supplement.

Far to the east, past the Eastern Wilderness and the Peninsula, lies a vast, uncharted mountain range. The mountains reach so high they seem to pierce the clouds and go on into the sky itself. Amid this vast range of monster-infested mountains lies one peak taller than the others. This peak is a long dormant volcano, and its caldera has been hollowed out. Here, amid houses build of volcanic rock or hollowed from old lava tunnels, is the city of dragons. The city has no name, as when a dragon refers to ‘the city’ there is no chance they are referring to one of those lesser, lowland cities that aren’t full of dragons. No, to a dragon, the city of dragons is the only city worth the title. In some ways they might be right.

The city is massive by the standards of the lowland peoples. An entire mountain has been hollowed out to make it. The best property is that nearest the open caldera, where a dragon can fly up toward the sky whenever they please. Each of the Major Clans maintains a hold in the caldera, with many store rooms and tunnels branching off it. The rest of the city is a winding maze of bedrooms, feast halls and storehouses linked by tunnels. The ownership of any section of city can change often, as the Clans play their games of favour and ownership. All territory belonging to one Clan is owned by all its members, so individual houses or businesses are a foreign concept to the dragons. Where a dragon wants to sleep, they sleep. Where they want to sleep with someone else, they sleep with someone else. Period.

That’s all for now. With luck the micro supplement should be out in a few weeks. See you all then,



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